On mission to reach the world
Kingdom Builders
Take Ground. Be on mission. Go into all the world.
Kingdom Builders is our way of bringing the Good News of the gospel to all nations through a faithful community passionate about generosity. The Bible shows us that Jesus gave all He had to reach the lost—and that there is no greater love than this. We want all nations and all people to be reached with the gospel so that the Kingdom of God is built all around the world. This is the year for you to step up like never before as God pours out His blessing on you! Proverbs tells us the world of the generous grows larger and larger. As we are faithful with what God has entrusted us, faithfulness upon faithfulness will lead to the miraculous!
Kingdom Builders invests in missionaries, ministries and organizations across the world who are doing strategic work with those who need it most. They are reaching the lost, serving the poor, changing the world and building the Kingdom of God. As Kingdom Builders, we believe that we are blessed to be a blessing and we give so that all may hear!
First, make a plan to give.
When you have plans that are diligent, it leads to plenty (Proverbs 21:5). Whatever the amount is - have the plan in place, work the plan, and be obedient to it. Start there.
Next, ask God to give you a vision of what He could do through you with HIs help. This is beyond what you can do with your natural income.
This requires you to take a step of faith. Additionally, Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to write that vision down and pray about it! God will supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). Stepping out in faith pleases God.
Lastly, what would be a dream amount you could give?
Hold onto it. This number is only between you and God. Watch as each step of faith you take, God moves you closer to that dream. God can do exceedingly, abundantly more than all we can ask for or imagine (Ephesians 3:20)