
Parent Child Dedication

Present Your Child Before God

We are excited that you are interested in dedicating your child to the Lord. The purpose of Parent/Child dedication is for parents to present their child before God and the church, committing to seek after His grace and wisdom in carrying out their responsibilities.

We believe Psalm 127:3, which says “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” Parent/Child Dedication is a time for us to celebrate and thank God for the gift of your children. It’s also a time for you, as parents, to commit to modeling what following Jesus looks like and to raise your children to understand that they are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, to believe that the Bible is absolute Truth, and to know the importance of committing to a community of faith through the local church.

Parent Commitment

During the dedication service, parents promise before God, their family, and the church to raise their children in a God-honoring way. Because parents are the key role models for their children, we ask that they commit to the following before dedicating their child:

  • Parent(s) have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Parent(s) are regular attenders of The Fields’ weekend services and are following Christ in their own life.
  • Parents (s) agree with our church’s beliefs and values, which can be found in our Statement of Faith.
  • Parent(s) commit to modeling personal purity and to lead by example in matters of faith and conduct. That means living a life of sexual purity according to God’s standards.

Parent Orientation lunch

Parent / Child Dedication is the beginning of a partnership between you and the church. The week before parent / child dedication you are invited to a 60-minute orientation lunch, you will learn:

  • How The Fields supports parents
  • About available parental resources
  • About each ministry available for birth through 12th grade


The best way to reach is us by phone.
(217) 234-2795

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Upcoming Dedications

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Do I need to be a member to dedicate my child?

You do not need to be a member of The Fields Church to dedicate your child. We do ask that families call The Fields home, because in dedicating your child to God, you are stating that you are willing to partner with God and the Church to raise your child in cooperation with God’s intentions. As your church family, we are here to partner with you as the body of Christ and support you as a family unit.

Can a single parent participate in a child dedication service?

Yes! Child dedication signifies the commitment of parents, including single parents, to do their best to raise their child to be a follower of Jesus Christ. We encourage single parents to include any important figures in their child’s life to be a part of the dedication. As a church, The Fields is committed to supporting single parents in providing a Christian foundation for their child’s upbringing.

Is Dedication the same as Baptism?

The Fields Church believes baptism is for those who have made a personal decision to trust Jesus alone for their salvation, once they have the maturity and ability to understand what that means.

Dedication is not a sacrament; nor does it impart grace or salvation to a child. Salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ as each person recognizes their sinfulness and receives forgiveness and eternal life through him and his work on the cross.

Rather than baptizing infants or children, we encourage a dedication ceremony, where parents formally call upon God’s blessing for their child and publicly commit to raising him or her in accordance with Scripture.


When is Parent/Child Dedication?

Parent/Child Dedication is held all throughout the year. If you are interested in participating in Parent/Child Dedication, please fill out this form. Our team will reach out and provide more information on the upcoming dedications, please fill out this form.